申請入學 Admission
入學申請需知 Application

索取申請表格方法 (不設派發申請表限額) Collection of Application Forms (No quota)

  1. 於本幼稚園網頁下載 Download from school website
  2. 親臨本幼稚園索取 Obtain from school in person
  3. 本園 2024-2025年度幼兒班(K1) 名額 :約25名  2024/25 school year available enrollment opportunities : about 25places

遞交申請表格 Return of Application Forms

  1. 請填妥已貼上照片的申請表,連同下列文件一併交回 / 寄回本園便可  (Please submit the completed application from in person / by post (together with the documents required)
    a) 幼兒出世紙副本乙張   Children’s birth certificate copy、
    b) 防疫注射紀錄副本(底面)   A copy of the immunization record、
    c) 附上貼有足夠郵票的回郵信封3個   3 stamped self-addressed envelope
  2. d) 報名費$40元(*已繳費用,概不退還)  Pay $40 application fee (*Fee paid are not refundable)

*隨時接受報名Accept registration anytime


1 ) 本園於收到申請表格後,會發給申請者輪候編號 After receiving the application form, the waitlist number will be mailed

2 ) 本園會根據下學年可提供的名額及按輪候編號的次序安排約見,學校未必能安排與所有輪候入學的兒童及家長面見;(*凡入讀N班之兒童,必須於本園該年開學日年滿兩歲,才會安排面見。) Interviews with the applicants according to the situation of vacancies of the school year and the sequence of the waitlist number. Interviews might not be arranged to all the waitlisted applicants. (Children Apply N class must be at least 2 years old on the first day of school year )

3 ) 經面見後獲取錄之兒童,家長須於指定的日期內為兒童辦理註冊手續,並繳交入學註冊費; 


     Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child and paying the registration fee

     (The registration fee will not be refunded)

甄選準則 Admission Criteria

1)  按面見時兒童之表現,及與家長之面談 Interview performance

2) 有家庭需要的申請人(*由於學位有限,並不是所有符合收生準則的申請人也獲取錄)

Applicants with family needs (*Due to the limited degree, not all applicants who meet the admission criteria are also admitted)

面見安排 Interview Arrangements

1)  個別面見 Individual interviews

2)  家長需陪同兒童參與面見 Parents should accompany their child for the interview

3) 非華語學童的面試,有閞學童可由懂得華語之家人或親友陪同面試,以為其翻譯 ,請致電2406 2062或電郵 alvsgpmk@netvigator.com與本校聯絡For non-Chinese speaking students. The relevant students who have family members or relatives who understand Chinese could accompany them and translate for them. Please contact 2406 2062 or email alvsgpmk@netvigator.com.

取錄結果公佈 Announcement of Admission Results

如獲取錄,本幼稚園將致電及郵寄通知家長 We will inform parents of the admission results by phone and post

